فرصة سفر الى إيطاليا مجانية
فرصة سفر الى إيطاليا مجانية وممولة بالكامل تعزز حوارات روما المتوسطية 2023 النسخة السابعة من منتدى الشباب . يدعم مختبر سياسة الشباب تطوير الحلول التي يقودها الشباب بشأن أزمة المناخ في منطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط ​​الأوسع من خلال العمل كمعرض عالمي للأفكار التي يقودها الشباب

فرصة سفر الى إيطاليا مجانية وممولة بالكامل

فرصة سفر الى إيطاليا مجانية وممولة بالكامل تعزز حوارات روما المتوسطية 2023 النسخة السابعة من منتدى الشباب . يدعم مختبر سياسة الشباب تطوير الحلول التي يقودها الشباب بشأن أزمة المناخ في منطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط ​​الأوسع من خلال العمل كمعرض عالمي للأفكار التي يقودها الشباب

فرصة سفر الى إيطاليا مجانية وممولة بالكامل

Innovators will be supported by Rome MED Dialogues and top international partners (UNDP Rome Center; the OECD Training Centre on Public Governance; Youth4Climate

UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union, and CMCC Foundation) to develop and scale up their innovative policy ideas to address climate crisis.

Policy Lab selected participants (a number between 15-20) will draft an official document with actionable policies which will be shared with high-level policy makers (Ministers, institutional leaders, and business community)

from the wider Mediterranean region who will gather for the 2023 Rome MED Dialogues and may be presented at the COP28 in Dubai, in a dedicated event at the Italian pavilion.

Selected participants will benefit from:

Exclusive access to webinars and workshops supervised by experts from the Rome Med Dialogues network

Dedicated Youth Policy Lab workshop

Exclusive access to Rome MED Dialogues 2023 (2-4 November)

This is your opportunity to raise awareness on the climate crisis and call on the government to undertake more ambitious climate action. 

Apply now!


The climate crisis has become a primary challenge on both sides of the Mediterranean.

Climate change is having adverse effects all around the world, by increasing for example the frequency of extreme weather events and by causing higher global temperatures, with far-reaching impacts on all sectors of societies and their economies.

Notwithstanding being a multi-faceted concept, climate crisis, among other things, recalls the fact that climatic and environmental degradation that is occurring worldwide, is having differentiated impacts according to the specific local vulnerabilities and is causing imbalances in the regional and domestic orders.

Socio-economic, and political systems are not adequately prepared for risk to face dramatic consequences. 

Young generations involved in the struggle against climate change inequalities and in the promotion of mitigation and adaptation measures are pivotal agents of climate action.   Young people have been able to make their voices heard, placing climate crisis under the spotlight. But this action requires greater efforts, as multiple factors prevent and disrupt getting access to the policymaking framework.  

This year’s edition of the “Youth Policy Lab” will underline once again the importance of young generations’ voice – as being the most affected by the multiple crises outbroken worldwide in recent years.

While young people are facing and dealing with both climate crisis and geopolitical tensions on a local, regional, and global level, it is critical and urgent to question whether the “leave no one behind” vision (still) resonates nowadays and how to “leave no youth behind”.

Driven by these crucial questions, the Youth Policy Lab will address the potential of Mediterranean cooperation in the fields of the climate change and promoting youth’s role in this respect.


We are seeking young and motivated experts, scholars, and top students passionate about the climate crisis to join our Youth Policy Lab!

What are the requirements to participate?

  • Age: between 21 and 35 years;
  • Coming from: North Africa1Middle East2, or Europe3;
  • With at least a first university degree (B.A. or M.A.) or equivalent qualification;
  • A strong interest/expertise in climate crisis and Mediterranean climate cooperation;
  • Excellent command of English Language

Travel expenses (economy flights) and accommodation for up to three nights in Rome will be covered by the Rome MED Dialogues.

How to apply?

Applications (only by filling in the online form) must include:

  • An updated CV (max. two pages, including information on the applicant’s education and relevant work experience;
  • short video (max. five minutes) to explain the candidate’s motivation to take part in the “Youth Policy Lab 2023”; his/her idea on how to tackle with the climate crisis, providing a relevant example and room for action. Please, note that your statement should be innovative and ambitious.


Applications are open and will run until the 1st September 2023 (23:59 CEST – Rome Time)

The selected participants will be announced on 20 September 2023.

In case of further questions, please contact med.secretariat@ispionline.it or francesca.girani.ext@ispionline.it


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